Monday, March 17, 2014

My Writing Process

My Writing Process Blog Tour ~ Michael Lorde's Bloghop #writingprocess #bloghop Today I'm participating in a quickie blog hop about the process of writing ~ basically, we each write a little something about our own process (answering the questions below) and then "tag" three more writers to do the same next week. I'd like to give a shout out to the person who tagged me, JC Andrejeski, who's a mega talented fantasy author(Allie's War series, Slave Girl Chronicles series). Thanks, JC!

       What am I working on?
I'm currently working to finish the forth Tolomay's World novel 'The Wall'.  Book 4 (of a seven book series) will delve more into Tolomay's World's coming war, has a few surprising elements involving new life there, more romance between Tolomay and the one she loves. There's even some romance between two others (who will they be?). The ending is shocking.

How does my work differ from others of its genre?
Writing romance fantasy with SciFi elements tucked in here and there can be tricky as my novels are obviously mixed genres. I love nature though and my characters seem real enough to me that I feel as if I'm watching a movie when I write. My books focus not only on the characters, but also on nature and the Earth. I hope that all of my writing will leave people thinking long afterwards.  
Why do I write what I do? 
 I have always loved fantasy. I like the escape into fascinating worlds.

How does my writing process work? 

I don’t have an actual process. I sit down in a quiet environment to write, letting the characters have quite a bit of input in their chapters. So, that’s my writing process.

 Next week, you can discover the writing process of some friends of mine:  They will each post on their blogs on Monday, March 24th.
S.L. Wallace, author of suspenseful books such as Price of a Bounty series among others and is an upper elementary Montessori teacher and life long writer.  The author is a descendant of the famous William Wallace.  You can find her at
William O'Brien, poet and author of the great novel, Peter: a darkened fairytale.  O'brien holds an honours degree in Geosciences, has studied Occupational Health and Fitness, and has a degree in Science Communication.  I'm grateful that he chose to write a Peter: A Darkened Fairytale.  You can contact him at

I would like to thank JC Andrijeski again for bringing me on board the tour. Is been fun! Talk to you soon.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Check out this Fantastical Reads Event February 1st - 8th

I'm involved in a fantasy event from February 1st through February 8th. I have the privilege of hosting the event and find myself surrounded by some of the most outstanding authors you could find, both in their excellent writing skills, their drive to ensure their novels are immaculately edited, and as the friends they have become. I am very glad to be among this company and hope you will join us on the facebook event page throughout this event. I will be posting interviews, excerpts, reviews, etc daily for this event, so please check back to find out more about these great books and the people who author them. To attend the event, click here.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Tolomay's World and The Pool of Light by M.E. Lorde

Tolomay's World and The Pool of Light

by M.E. Lorde

Giveaway ends February 06, 2014.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter to win

Friday, May 24, 2013

~Today's the Day! Check out Wenona Hulsey's New Release~

It's Release Day!

A Warrior's Blood—Blood Burden Series Bonus Story

Before the war, before the powers, and before the world crashed in on him Luke met a mortal woman.  Go back to the beginning of it all and take a look at Nicole through the eyes of Luke's hardened heart.
Luke steps out of the shadows and plants himself into the police department to watch over Nicole who is new to the force. Loyal to his mission he keeps his distance but a missing girl brings them onto the same case.  Together Luke and Nicole unravel the dark underbelly of a small town putting their lives on the line.   Luke can handle criminals, crooked officials, and crazy town people but will he risk his mission for a chance at love or will Sage make sure the warrior walks a line?
About the Series:
The Blood Burden Series is a fantasy/paranormal romance that is different from anything you've read before.  You will not find any vampires, werewolves, or a soft spoken woman waiting for a man to save her in this adventure.  But you will find a head strong woman who will protect those she loves with her last breath and a new paranormal element that is unique to the book world.
Reviewers are raving about the series:
"The thrills start from page one and continue to the very end. I absolutely loved it and am looking forward to (the next book)." 5 STARS! -Kim Norris-The Kindle Book Review
"How can you resist a story set in the South that treads on Irish folklore? You can't!!"
5 STARS! -John Ross, Author of "Another Lousy Day In Paradise"
"A Surefire winner by an author to watch!!"  5 STARS!-Hotmaja54

Reading Order:
1. Blood Awakening (Prelude) ** FREE almost everywhere e-books are sold.**
2. Burden of Blood (Novel  1) (Available in paperback and e-book)
3. Blood of Fire (Novel 2) (Available in paperback and e-book)
4. A Warrior's Blood (Bonus Story Novelette e-book)
Find them on Amazon, Barnes & Nobel, Kobo, IBooks, and Smashwords.
Buy Links:

Links to Author:
Twitter handle: @wenonahulsey